Harry Chapin’s Concert List
1975 thru 1981

Thanks to Howie Fields, we have a complete listing of their concerts covering the time that Howie played in the group.

There are 794 entries, and this doesn’t include any double shows or solos by Harry.

This list is sorted by state, and due to its size, has been broken down into smaller alphabetical bites.

( We’re trying to compile a list of solo dates. Can you help?)

JUNE 2020 Update: due to the large volume of records, all the concerts are now listed in “Posts” format.
(They are in their original format – unedited.)

Harry Chapin

You can access the states listings here: (Click to view)

(or in the Category View)

From March 31, 1975 till June 24, 1981, it was my privilege to have played drums for Harry Chapin
throughout the US, Canada, the British Isles, and in Europe.