Your Stories & Memories of Harry Chapin and his influence on your life.

My Name Is Corey….by Corey Hoskins

My name is Corey Hoskins. I am from Grand Rapids , Michigan. My parents named me after The song "Corey’s Coming" by Harry Chapin. I grew up listening to Chapin's music. I was born in 1979. My parents were waiting until I was old enough to go and watch Harry…


The Warm Up Act by Rob Menasco

A friend and I went to see Harry at Centenary College in the basketball gym. The gym was well lit and this guy comes out and sits down and starts picking at his guitar. Wasn't sure who he was and the house lights were still on. He starts talking to…


Daddy’s “‘Tangled up Puppet” by Erin

Harry Chapin's voice always seemed to be drifting through our house as I was growing up.  Mama and Daddy would go to his concerts and then we would sit down and have real quality time together, no television - just Harry, my parents and me.  However, Cats always seem to…