Your Stories & Memories of Harry Chapin and his influence on your life.

Harry the Movie Man by Doug Wooton

Harry Chapin made songs sound like movies. I hear his songs and a movie plays in my head. It is my desire to write like that, though I doubt I will match him. I remember the day he died. I was teaching guitar lessons as a way to support myself.…


Adolescent Adventures by Indy Turbo Boost

It was the late fall / early winter of 1975 when I became familiar with "Cats In The Cradle." I was in the eighth grade and turned 14 in December, 1974. That song brings back a lot of cool memories for me; growing up, dealing with raging hormones, the crushes…


I’m Hooked by Liz Price

The first time I saw Harry Chapin was in 1978. He had such a profound effect on me and how I viewed "famous" people. He stayed after the show and signed all autographs, kissed the women, me included and really seemed to want to be there. After that I saw…