Hello there. I found this website address from an newsgroup address and I sit with tears in my eyes after I’ve read all the stories. How wonderful to know that others still feel the loss of Harry’s great talent even now.
A dear friend from college introduced me to Harry Chapin and his wonderful story telling. In a very short time, I had collected all the albums. She and I went to the first of three concerts I was privileged to attend in Memphis, TN at the Orpheum Theatre in 1978. The Theatre was a tumble down place being renovated but the sound was the most perfect I’ve ever heard.
We sat very close to the front, which I remember was exciting in itself. Imagine my surprise when Harry came sauntering down the isle to start the show, announcing that he certainly wasn’t ‘a star’ just a storyteller!
We sat spellbound as Harry weaved his magic and told his stories. I’ll never forget that after he sang, ‘Corey’s Coming”, he looked down at his socks and noticed that they didn’t match—but heh, did anyone in the first three rows care? He came down and took a poll and everyone had a good laugh!
The last time I saw Harry he had come to the benefit minus the band (he said he would never pass up a chance to raise money for World Hunger). He described the “Fred’s Airline” adventure he had in getting to Memphis and I remember the show ran about 20 minutes over the usual time. He still signed autographs!
Thanks for reading this. I am really glad to know there is interest in the wonderful stories. I think Harry would be glad to know that.
Debbie Rushing
Please note: this story is the sole property of its author. Unauthorized use is prohibited without the author’s permission.