I NEVER even SAW Harry Chapin Live, but none the less, he changed my life TOTALLY and for Eternity!

Although I LOVED his Music, it wasn’t PRIMARILY that which was the “Big Bang” from him which made me a different and better person! It was his INTENSE desire to eradicate Hunger and Homelessness throughout the Modern World that “Infected” me with “Chapinitis”. As Ken Kragen said, Harry “Took Over My Body”, like a Spiritual Possession type of thing, while trying to work at making the world a better place to live in!

In MY case, I’ve been trying to start a Homeless Project since 1995 (late 94, actually…Dec 4th), and after having worked with World Hunger Year for over 15 years as a Volunteer on and off, I’ve come to feel that I’ve absorbed a radiant and lingering part of Harry’s actual “Spirit” through some sort of “Osmosis” ritual!

And, although I’ve been disappointed and almost in despair at times due to my own lack of results, on March 28th of this year (My Birthday..?), I’ll FINALLY be meeting with a Church in Lincroft NJ which has invited me to their “Social Action Committee Meeting to discuss how they can help me (In other words .. Get me the Money I so desperately need) to Actually get “Home Again” off the Ground!

In addition, I’ve forged relationships with MANY People in the Entertainment Industry, including those met at WHY Benefits! AND, with a Movie Producer friend of mine, we WILL be starting soon on a MOVIE about Harry’s Life..And I think that I’ll name it after his song “Story of a Life” (Is that the accurate name?)

So, I’ve actually been able to figure out 1. How to do what I LOVE for a living, and 2. To get into the Entertainment Arena, which I SO love…Both things directly & somewhat indirectly from my love of / and association with Harry Chapin, his Brother Tom and my affiliation with World Hunger Year AND the Chapin’s (Not to Mention the Clearwater People)!

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